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<title>Gustray Blog</title>
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<b>Mds Blogger<br>
<font face= Lucida Calligraphy size=6 color=12f989>
<i>Blog's Of Tutorial And Information<i>
<font face=Kristen ITC size=4 color=cyan>

<font face=Tempus Sans ITC size=2 color=Black>
<p>Silahkan Di Copas Semau Anda..</p>( Kalo Bisa Bayar ) :-D</p>
<p>informasi lebih Lanjut hubungi admin.. terima kasih sudah berkunjung.. :-)</p>
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|<a href=keempat.html>Tutorial blog</a>|
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Silahkan Di Oprak Aprik Blog Saya..:<br>
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<li><a href=>Facebook</a>
<li><a href=>twitter</a>
<li><a href=>Blog</a>
<font face=Lucida Handwriting size=5 color=cyan>
Hobby saya adalah :<br>
<font face=Kristen ITC size=4 color=red>
<ul type=square>
<li>Blog Walking

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